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Vehicular movement disrupted as parts of Feni inundated

Road communication of Feni Sadar upazila with some parts of Parshuram and Fulgazi upazilas have been disrupted due to floods following incessant rains and upstream hilly water.
The water of the Muhuri river was flowing 55 cetimetres above the danger level, according to the Water Development Board.
District administration, upazila nirbahi officers and WDB confirmed that vast areas, including rural roads, ponds and croplands, have been submerged in the two upazilas.
This is the third time the upazilas have been inundated since July 2, sources at the WDB said.
Several points between Feni Sadar and Parshuram have been submerged in waist-deep water, suspending road communication.
Parshuram Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Afroza Habib said cracks developed at 12 points of the embankment in Parshuram upazila during the previous floods.
About 40 villages in Parshuram municipality and three unions have been flooded due to heavy rains. Besides, water entered the villages through the cracks in the embankment.
Pashuram upazila administrations officials said they were ready to deal with the flood situation and have 500 packets of dry food and 50 tonnes of rice.
Fulgazi Upazila Nirbahi Officer Tania Bhuiyan said a total of 30 villages in Fulgazi union, Munshirhat union and Amjadhat union have been flooded due to the rise in water level of the Muhuri, Silonia and Kahua rivers.
Although no new cracks had developed on the embankments of the Muhuri and Silonia rivers, the flood waters entered the villages through the old cracks, she said.
At present, the Feni-Belonia regional highway is flooded in the Fulgazi and Parshuram sections, effectively cutting off road communication between the district headquarters and the upazilas, Tania said.
The upazila administration is ready to deal with the flood situation, she said.
Deputy Commissioner Musammat Shahina Akhter said the flood situation is being monitored round the clock. Local administration is working to tackle the situation.
