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Justice for Meyiwa | Ballistics expert sticking to his guns

Avbob Investment Plan
PRETORIA – A ballistics expert in the Senzo Meyiwa murder trial says he is confident that the bullet that killed the soccer star matches a test bullet he fired from a gun linked to accused three.
Last year, Colonel Chris Mangena linked a projectile found at the crime scene to Mthobisi Mncube, suggesting he fired the shot that ended Meyiwa’s life.
Tests found the bullet fragment was fired from a gun confiscated from Mncube in 2015.
Mangena said that two shots were fired, one of which struck the soccer star.
But the defence says it’s expert could not conclusively match the gun to Meyiwa’s murder, as the unique markings from the test bullet and the one found at the scene are not entirely similar.
